Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Congregationalism: A Mark of an Evangelical Free Church

I'm willing to bet that for most of my Reformed brethern in the EFCA, Mark Dever's ministry has been a blessing in one way or another. Perhaps you've read Nine Marks of a Healthy Church or maybe you've even read one of his most recently published books like The Deliberate Church or The Message of the New Testament or maybe "Togther For the Gospel" is your conference of choice this year.

While hardly a Deverite (if there is such a thing), whenever he presents an issue that I find myself in personal disagreement with I know I'll have to wrestle with it substantially. Why? Because the man is thorougly biblical, "prick him anywhere and he bleeds Bibline."

If you look into the mirror and see a Reformed pastor (or layman) of the EFCA and see behind you a few books written by Dever on your bookshelf. Take the time to read the article I've linked in this post's title, and take the time to care enough about congregationalism to see that its preserved in our Statement of Faith.


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