Friday, January 13, 2006

are you ready for this conversation?

Inquirer: So what is this Evangelical Free Church of America denomination all about?

You: Well it’s really pretty simple. We’re evangelical…

Inquirer: I hear “evangelical” tossed around a lot these days; what exactly does that mean?

You: It means that we emphasize the essentials of the gospel. If you’re interested take a look at this brief statement of faith, which outlines what gospel-proclaiming churches believe (you then grab one of the many brochures you have on hand which contains the EFCA SoF and hand it to this friendly seeker).

Inquirer: Hey thanks, I’ll be sure to look this over! What about "Free," I don’t suppose that means you’re anything like that guy on TV who wants me to have free money?

You: (chuckling at the cute remark) No, no, I assure you it’s nothing like that at all. "Free" means that we’re congregational.

Inquirer: Oh.

You: I’m guessing that you don’t really know what that means, but no worries I just happen to have a copy of the latest EFCA Leadership Conference Report Book, which contains our Bylaws that further explains our church’s structure and organization. You can borrow it if you like, but be sure to give it back because I only get one each year and I need it to keep abreast of any of the changes that may or may not occur on an annual basis (you then reach for the book)...

Inquirer: Uh, no that’s okay you keep it.


An exaggeration? Of course! If you can't articulate what it means to be congregational without referencing the Bylaws then something else is wrong here. But clearly we should have something much more accessible than the annual Report Book expressing why we are "Free." Relegating this important component of our denomination to a book that few have their hands on diminishes the significance of our polity. A polity that I believe is an important part of the narrative framework of the Biblical gospel, God's gospel.
More to come on this important issue...


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