Monday, February 20, 2006

go to the new efca blog

Yesterday evening I received with great joy the news that Greg Strand has started a blog on the efca website (click: here or type in: Since I only started this blog because I felt there was a need to discuss the revision to the statment of faith in this kind of format, I'll be essentially hanging it up over here at the freechurchman. You won't find my moniker over there, but I'll be posting my thoughts along with everyone else. I hope that over the past few months you have found this blog helpful as you have discussed these issues with other freechurchmen (and women).

In Christ Jesus our Lord,

the Freechurchman

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Second Draft Revision to the EFCA Statement of Faith

Click on the title to go directly to the latest revision. It does not include the Preamble that was included in the first draft. If you would like to read the Preamble in view of the most recent changes go to the link I've provided on the left-hand column.

I'm a bit bogged down these days, although I've read through it already I won't be making any comments on the blog until later this week or early next week. Until then happy reading, thinking, discussing, and trusting in the hope found in Jesus Christ!

For His Church & His glory,


Monday, February 06, 2006

A Message From G.E.

No it isn't "we bring good things to light." It's the other G.E. - George Eldon. And while some have called me a Laddite or Laddian (other suggestions include: wee Ladd and Ladd-boy), I think that the following is helpful as we consider whether it's prudent to drop Pre-Millenialism from the EFCA Statement of Faith:

Those who 'love His appearing' should close ranks and stand together on the great fundamentals of the Word of God.... The purpose of The Fundamentals was to unite those who stood squarely on the fundamentals of the faith and to make a powerul statement in face of the inroads of liberalism.... Standing solidly together in the battle for the re-enthronement of the fundamentals of our holy faith were premillennialists, postmillennialists, promillennialists and nomillennialists. Fortunately the conservative group contains no one who repudiates the blessed doctrine of the second coming of our Lord but the group does contain those who differ radically with one another concerning the whole millennial question.

- The Blessed Hope, (59-60)

The revised SoF contains this same line of thinking: we may debate the millennium, but this much is certain; Christ will return and this is our "Blessed Hope."

Are you free?

The Revised EFCA Statement of Faith has already seen some changes. This is great news for all of us! The National Office has maintained that this is not a top-down initiative and that there is no established time table for the revision's acceptance or rejection. Whether or not the revision is a top-down effort is subject to debate, but at this point I'm not convinced that it's worthy of debate anymore than debating the number of angels who can cha-cha on a pinhead. It should be recognized that those who went to Apple Valley were heard and changes were made; the Committee on Safeguarding Our Spiritual Heritage is listening and responding. Hopefully district conferences will also be a catalyst for additional change, we won't know unless we go and provide feedback and input. So say you to Captain Peacock, "Yes sir, I'm free!"

- As soon as the 2nd revision is made public, I'll post a link on the blog.

- When the new revision is posted, I'll provide a forum for interaction.

- To all those who never watch British comedy, my sympathies.

The Freechurchman

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Congregationalism: A Mark of an Evangelical Free Church

I'm willing to bet that for most of my Reformed brethern in the EFCA, Mark Dever's ministry has been a blessing in one way or another. Perhaps you've read Nine Marks of a Healthy Church or maybe you've even read one of his most recently published books like The Deliberate Church or The Message of the New Testament or maybe "Togther For the Gospel" is your conference of choice this year.

While hardly a Deverite (if there is such a thing), whenever he presents an issue that I find myself in personal disagreement with I know I'll have to wrestle with it substantially. Why? Because the man is thorougly biblical, "prick him anywhere and he bleeds Bibline."

If you look into the mirror and see a Reformed pastor (or layman) of the EFCA and see behind you a few books written by Dever on your bookshelf. Take the time to read the article I've linked in this post's title, and take the time to care enough about congregationalism to see that its preserved in our Statement of Faith.