Fuller and Missions
This week's "Fuller Friday" quote comes at the beginning of Grace EFC's (of Louisville, Kentucky) Global Conference Weekend, so it is only fitting to bring a word from Andrew that reveals the heart he had to see God glorified throughout all the nations of the earth.
In "The Christian Ministry A Great Work" which was addressed to two missionaries and their wives, Fuller writes:
"The greatest work requires attention to a multitude of little things. -
It is composed of little things. Great works are not accomplished by a single exploit, but by a series of labours - by leaving no stone unturned. Look at Nehemiah. He inquires, weeps alone, prays, speaks to the king, obtains favour and a commission; but still he returned to labour, even in the night, and took a calm and deliberate view of the work; and when he communicated his intenions, his friends joined him; and thus, by a multitude of operations, the work is accomplished. He was laborious, firm, disinterested, patient, and persevering; and looked for his reward to God." The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller, vol. 1, 514.
As an aside, D.A. Carson has some excellent thoughts on what it means to be a world Christian in The Cross and Christian Ministry to purchase this book and other books that I'm considering myself visit my wishlist.
Interesting quote. When I was at NOBTS, one of my professors, Dr. Steven Ortiz, told us that the mountain Jesus was likely standing on when he spoke the words recorded in Matthew 17:20 ("Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.") was one that was man-made and had been constucted by men who had moved earth bucket-by-bucket from one location to another. Thus the miracle would be not one of instantaneous action, but of willful ingenuity and dedicated labor. It seems Fuller has expounded on this Biblical premise here as well.
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